The full Terms and Conditions are handed to parents/guardians to be read and signed before each child attends. Partnership with parents is vital to the child’s success at the nursery as highlighted.
Deposit and Notice period.
A £200 fee is retained as deposit before child starts nursery. This deposit is refunded on the condition that 8 weeks notice in writing is given
to the Manager/Principal.
Any children suffering from a doubtful rash, discharge from the eyes or ears, Diarrhoea or Vomiting should be kept at home for 48hrs or until a
Doctor has certified that the child is fit to attend. Should the child become ill at School, every effort will be made to contact the parents.
Injuries and Sickness
Minor accidents occurring during class, i.e cuts and scratches, receive prompt attention by staff members and are recorded in the accident book.
Injuries at home must be notified to nursery staff upon arrival.
Only medication prescribed by a G.P. can be administered to your child with your written permission.
Behaviour Management
We encourage self respect, self discipline and self esteem through role models and setting good examples to the children and acceptable
behaviour. There are clear achievable ground rules for everyone at the nursery.
Waiting List
If you would like to be put on the waiting list, we will ask you to complete a registration form and pay the registration fee. This will place your child on our waiting list. On confirmation of a start date the deposit will then be payable. If for any reason your child does not start at the nursery the
deposit is non refundable.
Note: If your child is going to attend nursery late, please inform us as soon as possible (before 9.30am) so we can establish whether a meal is required.
All children must arrive promptly for each session. Morning children must arrive by 9.30am and afternoon children by 12.45pm latest. To assist the children’s routine and maintain a calm atmosphere, arrival times and collection times must be adhered to.
@Copyright 2013 - JFS Productions, All rights reserved