All children are individual. Some take this in their stride, others find it a more difficult time to deal with. Before starting, parents complete a child entry record which tells us about their child’s existing routine, likes/dislikes, comforters etc.
There is a short introductory session with parent and child together in their group. This will help them gain familiarity of the safe and secure setting.
The times of introductory sessions is decided on an individual basis, after consultation between the parents, head of room and manager.
Children with special Educational Needs.
We are committed to children with special educational needs whether they have been statemented or not. The staff will work hard to achieve the best results for the child, liaising with the parent/carer. Their opinion is invaluable. Streatham Montessori realises every child has their own special needs. We work with outside agencies as appropriate.
Equal Opportunities Policy Statement.
Streatham Montessori Nursery believes that all people have the right to freedom of equality and opportunity. Inequalities of any kind are not to be tolerated and are changed through dialogue. This policy is carried through to the parents, either on a one to one basis or at parents meetings. We show by our own example through listening and learning from each other how we can work together and become part of the whole. All members of staff have agreed to the equal opportunity and policy statement. A full copy of the policy is available upon
Note: All policies are available at the nursery, upon request, for your information.
Settling In.....
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