Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
We believe these standard terms and conditions reflect the custom and practice of private nurseries providing full time day care. The rules about notice and payment of fees are designed to promote stability, assist forward planning and the proper resourcing of the nursery. Nothing within these terms and conditions affects the parent / carer’s statutory rights. |
To enable us to provide and maintain the highest standards of care we require all parents to be aware of, and abide by, the following conditions. |
Admission |
Welfare of the child
Health and medical matters
Food and dietary requirements 10. We will work with parents/carers to provide suitable food for children who have a special dietary requirement. 11. Menus will be displayed for inspection. Concerns/complaints 12. Any question, concern or complaint about the care or safety of a child must be made in the first instance to the supervisor in charge. If the matter cannot be resolved at this level the matter should be referred to the nursery manager and should follow the nursery complaints policy. Disclosures
Fees 14. All fees are charged monthly in advance and must be paid by the 5th day of the month to which they relate. Fees will be invoiced to the person(s) named on the registration form. Fees are payable during periods of absence from the nursery, including sickness, holidays and during public and bank holidays. the nursery will be closed on the annual bank holidays. 15. Fees are calculated on the basis of the weekly charge for the sessions attended, multiplied by 52 (weeks) and then divided by 12 (months) to create a fixed monthly charge. Fees will be subject to annual increase on notice from the manager. 16. Prices quoted are per child for a core day/session. 17. The nursery, in line with other nurseries, operates a policy of “minimum sessions.” this aids your child settling into the nursery initially and then optimises maximum development from their time in the nursery. This is particularly true for the under two age group. Please see the manager for further details on the minimum sessions required. 18. Once a place at the nursery is confirmed, a deposit would be required to secure the place. Eight weeks written notice is required if you no longer require the place or wish to withdraw your child from the nursery. Fees are payable during the whole of this time and also payable if there is any delay in taking up the place once accepted. 19. If you register your child for a full time place (i.e. 10 sessions per week) and such a place is confirmed by the nursery, you will not be permitted to reduce the number of sessions attended within four weeks, as four weeks written notice is required to reduce the sessions. 20. Compensation or refund will not be given, if the nursery has to be closed due to any reason beyond the control of the nursery, such as power failures or weather conditions. Unpaid fees 21. The nursery reserves the right to charge interest on late fees at the rate of £20 per week. For dishonoured cheques/payments a charge of £20 per occasion will be applied. Exclusion for non-payment 22. Children may be excluded from the nursery if fees remain outstanding more than 10 working days beyond the due date and the registration terminated. Late collection 23. Parents/carers collecting children late from the nursery will be subject to a surcharge, details of which are published at the nursery. Charges are made every 15 minutes or part thereof. Parents / carers should be aware that the nursery has to be vacated by the designated closing time. Belongings 24. The nursery does not accept responsibility for accidental damage or loss of childrens personal belongings, such as clothing, push chair, etc. Insurance 25. The nursery undertakes to maintain those insurances required by law. Details of these are available from the nursery manager. Copies of the current employer’s liability and public liability insurance policies are displayed in the nursery. General 26. you should be aware that the nursery occasionally takes photographs within the nursery, which may be used, in training or promotional material. Parental preference is adhered to and permission will be sought via the nursery permission form which is completed at enrolment. Please refer to the photography policy for more information. Safeguarding children 27. The nursery is under an obligation to report to the relevant authorities, to protect the child if we feel is being abused or neglected. This may be done without informing the parent/carer. 28. Any information given by a parent regarding their child will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, except in cases where abuse towards a child is suspected. The divulging of confidential information relating to the nursery, its employees or customers to any third party is considered a breach of confidence and as such is regarded as constituting gross misconduct which could lead to summary dismissal from employment or cancellation of a nursery place. Security 29. Parents/carers are welcome to visit the nursery, however we will not admit anyone without prior notification. It is the parent/carers responsibility to ensure that staff are aware of who will be collecting your child. No child will be allowed to leave the building with anyone, known or not, without prior notification and a password given. Data protection 30. It is a legal requirement on the nursery to hold information about children using the nursery and its staff. Basic information is used for registers, invoices and for emergency contacts; however, all records will be stored in a locked office and on a secure online database that only management and staff under supervision have access to. CCTV 31. We use a secure CCTV System that is password protected and continually recording and monitored by the Nursery owner. This system is used for the sole purpose of security issues involving the staff, the Children and visitors. The CCTV Footage is kept for a maximum of 2 weeks (automaically overides) This system is in keeping with the data protection act 1998. Legal contract 32. The offer of a place and its acceptance by the parents gives rise to a legally binding contract on the terms of these terms and conditions. 33.These terms and conditions are governed exclusively by English law.
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